Kia ora,

Thank you so much for thinking of us to represent your work. We receive a large amount of Artists Submissions and consider each and every Artist carefully. 

So we can understand a bit more about you and your work, please include the following information in your message:

Social Media handles
A link to photos of your work

We are constantly asked about what we look for when selecting Artists and the truth is, we don’t really know until we see it; there is no set formula. It’s really just a little bit of magic that speaks to us when we see the Art.  

Please don’t be disheartened if your work is not selected for our gallery, competition is tough, we wish we could represent more artists, but space is limited. Often a submission will be turned down because we have something similar in the gallery, but we encourage you to continue making work, we love seeing artists evolve.

Nga mihi,

Flagstaff Gallery 


Get In Touch

Contact us using the form below and one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
