Jamie Adamson


Jamie Adamson’s strong interest in working with wood began during his early years when, on family holidays in the Hawke’s Bay, he loved to join his grandfather in his workshop. There they would spend time using tools and machinery to fix and create things. A strong bond grew between Adamson and his grandfather. 

Adamson’s interest was furthered with his father, Don, through working together with tools on cars, tree houses and other building projects.
After leaving school Adamson worked at three different yards to complete his apprenticeship in the boat building trade. This
gave him experience in three different styles of craftsmanship including working with timber, steel and fiberglass materials. Adamson developed enjoyment in working with wood.

Later, naval architect Craig Loomes was a strong influence in terms of working with aesthetics in form and line. Working with Loomes, Adamson came to appreciate how Loomes would turn original designs worked out through sketches into well-crafted and aesthetically considered boats where visual qualities were as important as the practical result. Through boat building Adamson learned patience and the ability to craft a concept into a product that looks aesthetically pleasing.  All these early experiences were the foundations for the space that Adamson is currently sculpting from.

For some 15 years Adamson was distracted from pursuing his interest in wood working while he raised a young family and ran a commercial enterprise. To stave his interest he slowly filled the family home with furniture until there was no longer any space to fill.

Having recently sold that business, and with his wife Carla’s support, Adamson is now embracing his long harboured interest in sculpting with wood. Using boat-building techniques he is experimenting and developing his own style of sculpture.For Adamson, wood is a natural pleasure to work with. As he works, the process comes from an instinctual space. He enjoys the physicality of the forms he creates, emulating natural shapes, flowing lines and working with the organic nature of the material.

Previously Sold

Copper Crown